That’s a Wrap! Ben and Cara’s Wedding Video

Wow… it just feels good to sit down! It’s been 2 days, and 18 hours, but now I have (approximately) 7-8 hours of wedding footage. That should translate to about 20-24 hours of editing (if I’m lucky).

And after all this… what have I learned? Wedding photographers have it easy! Let them try shooting video!

All kidding and whining aside, today was a good day. I not only saw my friend, and co-worker, Ben Eisemann get married to his lovely bride Cara, but also got to be their videographer. I just recently shot my friend Gregg and Tonya’s wedding, so I was able to take what I learned there and put it work. And after today, I can’t wait to start editing.

My New Assistant

Something new this time around was the addition of my assistant, and fiancé, Cassandra. I couldn’t have done it without her. She helped me shoot video, transport equipment between locations, and moved the entire process along smoothly. Not only that, but she picked up on things faster than I could have hoped and was just a tremendous asset overall.

My New Style

In addition to Cassandra, was my first attempt at shooting with a photojournalistic style. Like the shows you’d see on TLC such as, “A Wedding Story” or “A Baby Story”, I am attempting to model this next production after them.

How am I going to do it? With interviews.

One of the things that bothers me about my prior work is it seems like nothing more than a video slideshow with music. Sure, it’s fun to watch, but not for very long. By shooting interviews and interweaving them with various footage, I’m hoping to produce a finished piece that the couple and their families can truly enjoy.

The Interview Challenge

One of the biggest challenges I thought I was going to have was getting people to interview. Most people, it seems, turn into instant ninjas when they find themselves inside the focus of a camera. I was worried that people would dodge me because they were camera shy.

Today… thankfully… this was not the case.

Everyone was busy with pictures and supporting the bride and groom, but still made time to spend a few minutes to talk with me. It was great! My hats off to everyone involved! I really appreciated your effort and know that Ben and Cara do too.

What’s Next…

So, now it’s time to digitize footage and start the editing process. I have a feeling I’ve bitten off more than I can chew… but that’s never stopped me before.

Cross your fingers…

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