My 1st eCommerce Class & eBook

My Upcoming eCommerce Class & eBookI’ve got some good news and bad news.

The good news is, I’m beginning development of my first eCommerce class and supporting free eBook “An Introduction to Building Your Own eCommerce Store”. The bad news is, will not be updated as frequently. So to the 5 people that read my blog… I’m sorry. ;-)

I’m hoping to have both the class and eBook ready for March when the Eastern York Area Recreation Commission is building their new class schedule. If everything goes as planned, I’ll be teaching local enrichment classes like these.

  • Help Me Make It Great

    If you’ve ever had an interest in eCommerce, or were every curious, please post a comment or I’ll make sure to address them in the book so when it’s released, you’ll get the answers you were looking for. Your questions will help me make my first eBook something to talk about.

If this project wasn’t enough, I still have to…

  • Finish my friend Gregg & Tonya’s wedding video
  • Start & finish Ben & Cara’s wedding video
  • Edit Christmas & New Years Eve holiday footage
  • Digitize 15-20 8mm cassettes of home movies
  • Finish my project with Perfect Settings
  • Continue my work with
  • Work with the Clip On Guys to further develop their clipon sunglasses website
  • Potentially start a project with Cassandra Storm Photography
  • Help Cassandra with our upcoming wedding (she’s been less than impressed with my involvement so far to say the least)

But, I guess you never get anywhere standing still.

  • Help Me Improve!

  • The only way for my posts to get better is to get your opinion! So help me out, and rate this one! Thanks!
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One Response to “My 1st eCommerce Class & eBook”

  1. Christine says:

    I have worked at an advertising agency for years, and - like most agencies- we have integrated an interactive and ecommerce department. With print, radio, TV and mediums I am familiar with, it is easy to manage the designers and the process. With larger website that include a CMS I have found the programmers and interactive designers get frustrated that I do not know their language or capabilities. Is their a course or book I can invest in, as not to know how to do the actual work but to manage it?
    Please advise. Thanks.

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