Happy 25th Anniversary Aunt Chris & Uncle Tom!!

My parents divorced when I was 3. My father later divorced again when I was around 16 and my mother followed suit a few years later. So needless to say, when my Aunt Chris and Uncle Tom told me they were celebrating 25 years of marriage… I was floored! They’ve set the new family marriage record!

To document the occassion, and find an excuse to play with my miniDV camera, I decided to shoot some footage of the celebration. It turned out great, if I do say so myself!

You can see The 25th Anniversary of Chris & Tom below:

My next project is the wedding of my good friends Gregg & Tonya Firman! I can’t wait to share it!

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One Response to “Happy 25th Anniversary Aunt Chris & Uncle Tom!!”

  1. JT says:


    This is feed back on the video edit. Not the post.

    Not bad. I am not big on videos that make you feel like you lost a loved one. The music choice was a little depressing. If mood music was needed then I would have used pictures of the couple from the years past up until current date.

    The footage in the begining was slow. There are ways to spice it up. Try angle shots, with slow zoom in and freeze effects.

    As for me when I do a family gathering or weddings, I limit the slow music to a small amount and place faster, fun music for the remaining clips. It was a great event not a death in the family. Just my thoughts.

    Also, when you have a comment such as the one that definitly insulted the short wife. LOL I would have cut that out. It made the lady seam really rude. Again, not the way you want to remember someone.

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