Another One Bites the Dust

my brother, Justin Benedict, and his fiance, Nicole LucianoWell, it finally happened. Not only are all my friends engaged or getting married, but now my brother has joined the party. This Christmas, his girlfriend since college, found a little extra from Santa under the mistletoe. Her long awaited engagement ring! Now it looks like Nicole Luciano is about to become Nicole Benedict. She’s a great girl and is a more than welcome addition to the family. Hope the same can be said by her family for my brother. ;-)

One thing that makes their engagement funny to me, and I think they’d be the first to agree, is originally, my brother tried to set me up with Nicole! Several times! He kept telling me about how great she was and how I should hang out sometime to meet her. I never did, and soon after that, found that he took his own good advice and started seeing her. Now, after a few years, they’ve bought a house together and are getting married (in February I believe).

How about that? My little brother is all grown up!

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9 Responses to “Another One Bites the Dust”

  1. nicole says:

    did “ken” take that picture? it IS kinda funny how things work out the way they do. thanks for the blog entry. i feel special. :)

  2. Bob Myers says:

    Congratulations you two! I am very happy for you. Good luck and give Nicole a hug and kiss for me. Also, give Nicole’s sister a hug and kiss from me. But, I would really like to give a hug and kiss to your mom(Marianne the “Diva”) I really miss her.

    Happy New Year. I miss you all very much.


  3. Trixie says:

    Hey kids….congratulations….I think it’s awesome that Justin finally got the message Nicole…not that there was no hinting as to what you wanted for Christmas….for any day….lol. I’m happy for the both of you, and it’s time. Now we wait for the wedding, and then the babies…lol. I’m not rushing…just know that’s how it goes. Bless you both!

  4. Jeff says:

    It was a blessing for me to be there and meet you and share in your joy. May God bless you both as you begin the next chapter of your life. Jeff a.k.a. “Ken” ;o)

  5. dad says:

    WOW!! This has been an exciting holiday. Sheryl and I are very happy for both of you. The next fifteen months should prove to be very interesting. My two sons and a nephew all getting married. Jason in Hawii, Brian in Vegas, and now Justin. I heard Pennsylvania is a great state to get married. BUT if you decide to get married in Columbia, make sure you give Brian and Casandra directions like — cross the river.

    I am very proud of both of you boys for your accomplishments so far and know there are a lot more to come. You have chosen very nice and special girls and again Sheryl and I are very happy for all of you.

  6. Momma Marianne :-) says:

    Congratulations to my “little kid” and my beautiful daughter. I love you both very much (ok Justin ok maybe I “DO” love Nicole a liiiiiiittle bit more…now Cassandra if you are reading this don’t let that confuse you as to who is my favorite…I DON’T of course have a favorite…and Brian don’t forget that you should NOT mention to your brother or the girls all the extra money I gave you this year…lol )
    Now where was I…oh that’s right…Nicole and Justin may yours be a long and healthy life filled with love, all of God’s blessings and beautiful children that DO NOT act like Justin…:-) I love you all !!!!

  7. Cassandra says:

    Yeah! I am so happy for both of them. Justin and Nicole make an awesome couple and I am sooo excited to have Nicole as a Sister-in-law. Oh yeah, and to have Justin as my brother-in-law….just kidding, you know I love you both.

    But Brian, what do you mean another one bites the dust?!?! Are you saying you bit the dust????

    And MommaMarianne - Of course I know that you don’t have a favorite (wink wink)

  8. nicole says:

    why has MY page become a topic of favoritism? cassandra, did brian make a page about YOU? i think that makes me HIS favorite too.

  9. Bella says:

    Finally! I made the page. Check me out on my very own page at

    Sorry for the shameless plug Brian!

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