“The Life of Joe, The Alcoholic” Video

Joe the AlcoholicI’m on a home movie digitization kick. I’ve just finished converting 3 very aged VHS movies to DVD for Cassandra’s family. Now I’m in the midst of doing the same for my own family’s footage (but there is a lot more to do).

They’re hilarious… if you don’t get motion sick!

One thing I found that I have to share is a video I helped make during my sophomore year of college. To fulfill a health requirement, I took “Alcohol Awareness”. Though I don’t remember the details of our assignment, my group made a video detailing the life of an alcoholic.

I played the alcoholic.

The version you’ll see is unedited and unfinished. Apparently my mother recorded over some of it at one of my brother’s basketball games. Nonetheless, I couldn’t stop laughing when I watched it again after over 6 years. I don’t think anyone is going to win an Oscar, but I hope you find it at least half as amusing as I do.

I now present, for the first time online, “The Life of Joe, The Alcoholic”.

*** WARNING ***
This video contains explicit language, violence, and alcohol abuse which is not suitable for younger audiences… ha!

  • Credits

  • Brian Shoff - Joe
  • Josh Wakefield - George
  • Brian Walthour - Friend
  • Ashley Beaverson - Angry Girlfriend & Camera Girl
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5 Responses to ““The Life of Joe, The Alcoholic” Video”

  1. nicole says:

    you’re such a lusch. getting drunk on the arbor mist, eh? i like linkus’ cameo, by the way.

  2. Brian says:

    Ha! Yeah, I noticed the “high velocity” drink myself. I also appreciated the chugging of Skyy Vodka. Oh the things we do in college.

  3. Justin says:

    I didn’t see anyone playing basketball. What happened to me??? Do you think you can just edit me out of your life? Ugh….I think I need a drink.

  4. Cassandra says:

    You missed your calling - as an actor, not an alcoholic. That was some quality entertainment

  5. Matt Kaufman says:

    LOL BRIAN. This is hilarious, seeing you younger. (call me!)

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