Reality Check - Am I Alive?

I have been staring at my blog too many months and it’s time to get it back. It was fun to write in, but then trying figure out where it was going to end up got unruly.

For the curious, no, there is not a scrap of an eBook for my ecommerce course. I’ve been too busy working to ever sit down and write, but today is changing all that.

The new plan is to use as the wildcard blog. Whatever I notice, want to comment on, share, whatever, it’ll be here. Of course, it’ll have the Shoffy twist that makes it oh so enjoyable right?

The other handful of domains I will be maintaining blogs for are:

  • – Home of Shoffy Inc. and discussing issues pertaining to internet marketing and search engine optimization.
  • – My budding video production business. A hobby in high school and college has now got me working with weddings, school productions, and other special events. For me, it’s really exciting stuff.
  • – A more honed and academic approach to sharing my personal beliefs. A place where I’d like to have scholarly conversation to learn more about what makes you… you
  • – Here you can go and listen to my attempts to be a rockstar.
  • – My recent rip off of the Wikipedia phenomena that aspires to create tons of extremely useful information and become a authority in the realm of tech. It will more than likely be a wiki… but one with very strong monitoring .
  • – This is the name of the condos I live in. I bought the domain and hope to use it constructively at some point

So that’s the big picture… if I stay as busy as I am… I’ll never get to it. But, if one pops up, you’ll be the first to know!

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One Response to “Reality Check - Am I Alive?”

  1. Dave Conklin says:

    I always look forward to your blog posts… hope to read again soon!

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