Introducing Cimbrian’s Geek Camp

In my 5+ years experience talking to businesses of varying size, I’ve always been interested in helping them make the Internet a valuable piece of their marketing strategy. The Internet offers a lot of potential and I’m always happy to share my recommendations. It’s actually a flaw (in my opinion). I always have a lot to say.

So sue me. I want to help! :-)

To further my goal of sharing my knowledge, I’ve become one of the pioneers of Geek Camp, a series of seminars hosted at Cimbrian, a marketing and technology firm located in downtown Lancaster. I currently work there full-time as a marketing technology strategist and the “brass” is very progressive and perceptive enough to see that there is great potential in combining traditional marketing with technology. It’s what their business is all about.

Our Geek Camp seminars focus on a number of Internet marketing strategies that include search engine optimization, blogging, pay-per-click, podcasting, viral videos, and others. They are open to the public and 100% FREE. What’s even better is lunch is provided! It’s a great opportunity to get out of the office and learn a little about how the Internet can be a welcome addition to your marketing mix.

If free seminars weren’t enough … we also have an “Ask a Geek” feature. By simply sending us an email at you can get answers to all of your Internet marketing questions from one professional and knowledgeable source.

Most Internet marketing consultants charge an hourly rate between $85 to over $200 an hour. We’re giving it away for FREE! So take advantage of it!

If you’d like more information about Cimbrian’s Geek Camp, check out our website at It was just released this Monday, so it’s still in its infancy. But look forward to more activity as the concept grows.

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