My 2 Minutes of Fame

Today was a cool day. I was quoted in the latest issue of the Central Penn Business Journal. The journalist, Jim Ryan, was inspired to write the article, “Blog can show bussiness’ human side, spark conversation with client,” after he heard about our Corporate Blogging Geek Camp at Cimbrian.

I’m sure it sounds silly, but it’s cool to be in the newspaper (unless you’re in the obituary I guess … or maybe that’s cool ::shrugs::) This article, however, is particularly special to me. It’s the first time I’ve had my professional opinion published.

So … of course … I made a bunch of copies and have been dropping them off to family (I’m a dork). If I wasn’t concerned about being busted for copyright infringement, I’d have it posted here!

So go pick up a Central Penn Business Journal … or stop by and I’ll give you one of my copies. ;-)

Click here to read the article online

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4 Responses to “My 2 Minutes of Fame”

  1. nicole says:

    so proud of you. do you want one scrapbooked and framed? let me know. ill get working on it right away. :)

    we seeing you for thanksgiving? it’s been awhile.

  2. Mateus Moraes says:

    Well done, Brian! Can I have an autograph too? :)

  3. Mateus Moraes says:

    By the way, I’m using your Wordpress plugin “Category Base Killer” in a project I’ve just released: ZapShows ( - and .

    I’ve written an open letter so you can be sure I’m really grateful for your help. :)

    You can read it at the WP Forum:

    Feel free to spread the word and to tell me your thoughts about the project.

    Take care and keep up the good work.

    Best regards,
    Mateus Moraes

  4. Brian says:

    Ha Mateus! Thanks for the post… always appreciated.

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