Xenu’s Link Sleuth™ - The Best Sitewide Link Checking Software

As you know, given the nature of the Internet, a website can disappear at any moment. Unless you really liked a particular site, it’s not usually a problem. But what if your site, links to this phantom site? Now you have a broken link!

If you’re a freak like me… that bothers you!

There are a number of websites and Mozilla plugins you can use to that check the links of a single page, such as:

  • W3C Link Checker
  • Total Validator
  • Link Checker

But what if you want to check your entire site for bad links?

Enter Xenu’s Link Sleuth™.

I was a bit reluctant to use it because I don’t like installing unnecessary applications on my system, but, I was desperate (I told you, I’m a freak). I was glad I did! It is exactly what I wanted (and it’s not even Christmas).

It’s fast, FREE, easy to use, and will spider your entire website to look for broken links.

If you’re crazy about keeping your site 404 free… you need to download this program. You can find it at: http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html

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