A No-Plugin Alternative to Embed Flash in Wordpress

Lost in my recent Wordpress frenzy, I posted a rant about a recent fit of road rage that includes some simple Flash movies.

Without thinking, I started looking for a plugin. Something that would allow me to easily insert a flash movie, no fuss, no muss.

Now, I’m not an idiot when it comes to Internet technology, but I felt like one today. I couldn’t get any plugin to work properly for me:

  • The Flashinator
  • Kimili Flash Embed
  • Flash QuickTag Plugin

I searched for everything… installed everything… and nothing!

I shared my frustration with my roommate, Mictubis (his alias, he’s very sneaky), and he wondered why I didn’t try to simply embed it. You know… without a plugin… just HTML.

Uh… DUH!

So… I quickly ran to video.google.com and modeled my embed code after theirs. Okay… I copied it. But here it is:

<embed style="width:500px; height:150px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="flashfile.swf" flashvars=""> </embed>
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9 Responses to “A No-Plugin Alternative to Embed Flash in Wordpress”

  1. miri says:

    *sigh* I got all excited when this came up on a search for embedding flash into a WordPress post, but it doesn’t seem to be working for me.

  2. Brian says:

    Talk to me… how can I help? ;-) What does the code you’re using look like? Does it look like the markup I used on my “Learn How to Use the Center Turning Lane” article?

  3. miri says:

    I’m an idiot! It was a conflict with a plug in. (And I totally agree about the left turn lane.)

  4. Justin says:

    I too, am having lots of troubles with embedding any kind of swf file into my posts… very frustrating to say the least! I even tried the above code, and nothing. It just doesn’t want to show up. It just strips any kind of embed code out of the editor in Wordpress. I wish they would change that engine to allow an administrator to embed, used javascript, and any other kind of stuff in the HTML editor! Why haven’t they? I HATE that engine stripping stuff out and modifying my code…

  5. Jason says:

    Anyway to link the file??

  6. Adam says:

    Thanks! I’ve been looking for this for a long time - it’s really giving me headaches - I wonder if would work for YouTube?

    Anyway this worked perfectly. I used before and after and it looks fine. It’s here if you want to see: http://customergauge.com/wordpress/?p=123

  7. iwebie says:

    I have used the Kimili Flash Plugin to Embed the Free Rider 2 Flash game on iwebie and it works great for me..

    Check out the Example


  8. Brenton says:

    I pasted in the google code into my WP page. Then after a save, WP changed the parameters and made everything good! I only had to fix the width and height.

  9. Franz says:

    I tried it on a regular swf and it worked great but how does it work if my movie is populated by xml file?
    Can i see some example code?

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