“Work” Category

GetMyHomesValue's Veri-Lead Service

To help current and potential clients at GetMyHomesValue understand the Veri-Lead service, we created a video to better illustrate how it works. This was my first corporate video and it gave me the opportunity to:

  • Work with a green screen
  • Improve my lighting skills
  • Practice scrubbing audio
  • Shoot at various locations
  • Edit all the footage together

Here’s how it turned out.

GetMyHomesValue.com and Habitat for Humanity

When GetMyHomesValue decided to lend a hand for with Habitat for Humanity for a day, I saw it as a great opportunity to put my miniDV camera to work. What I didn’t realize, is I went from being a “volunteer” to “media”. In other words… didn’t have to “work”. This videographer thing is really working out… ;-)

Here is the video I put together to document the day.

Defining a “Good” Manager

Today was an eye opener. I’m not a “good” manager. :-/

But good news… I believe I just figured out how to become one. You can read it about it on ArticlesFactory.com. Learn why “Good Managers Don’t DO Anything”


2-Way Employee Evaluations

I just posted an article on EzineArticles.com, called The Benefits of 2-Way Evaluations,about a different way to evaluate team members.

It is primarily about having the team evaluate each other as well as their leadership. I always thought it was strange that evaluations only went one direction… down. In my opinion, you’re cheating yourself out of growth. How much stronger would a manager’s evaluation be if part of it came from the people they interact with everyday? How much more valuable is it to a manager to gain insight about a team member, from other members of the team?

I’m truly baffled that more companies don’t conduct performance evaluations this way.

WebXtreme.com Redux

Finally, I have the time to redesign WebXtreme.com. It has never been a priority, but as the company I work for grows, the traffic brought to the site has grown with it.

The most exciting part about this project is my decision to use Drupal, an open source content management system (CMS). I’ve been meaning to get familiar with it, but haven’t been able to find a project to apply it. With the company surpassing 50 employees, there is more going on than one person can manage. With Drupal, I can set up various users with a variety of permissions to let them help maintain their portion of the corporate site.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
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