WebXtreme.com Redux

Finally, I have the time to redesign WebXtreme.com. It has never been a priority, but as the company I work for grows, the traffic brought to the site has grown with it.

The most exciting part about this project is my decision to use Drupal, an open source content management system (CMS). I’ve been meaning to get familiar with it, but haven’t been able to find a project to apply it. With the company surpassing 50 employees, there is more going on than one person can manage. With Drupal, I can set up various users with a variety of permissions to let them help maintain their portion of the corporate site.

Another feature that makes Drupal attractive is the number of modules, or add-ons, that are available. These modules add new functionality to our website without the need for original programming. I can simply upload, activate, and configure the new module and it is ready to go; almost right out of the box.

Drupal, however, is not only a content management system; it’s a PHP framework. In other words, it is a collection of PHP code that not only allows us to easily add pre-made modules, but create custom modules ourselves! As a web development company, producing reliable web applications quickly is a moving target we constantly strive to hit. The Drupal framework could be a big step towards reaching that goal.

I’ve been possessed for over three (3) days learning about how to customize Drupal. Aside from researching modules, I’ve also been applying our latest design to the site. It’s a much needed facelift that will hopefully be a welcome change. And, since Drupal is (I’m guessing here) 95% CSS, it’s been a breeze to work with.

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