“Tech” Category

A No-Plugin Alternative to Embed Flash in Wordpress

Lost in my recent Wordpress frenzy, I posted a rant about a recent fit of road rage that includes some simple Flash movies.

Without thinking, I started looking for a plugin. Something that would allow me to easily insert a flash movie, no fuss, no muss.

Now, I’m not an idiot when it comes to Internet technology, but I felt like one today. I couldn’t get any plugin to work properly for me:

  • The Flashinator
  • Kimili Flash Embed
  • Flash QuickTag Plugin

I searched for everything… installed everything… and nothing!


Removing the Dreaded Wordpress “Category” Forever!

Who thought it could be so difficult to remove 8 little letters?!?

I recently turned my back on Drupal and installed Wordpress 2.0.5. It isn’t perfect, but it’s much easier to skin (to me anyway).

One of Wordpress’s idiosyncrasies is it appends what it calls a “category base” to each of your posts. So when you want your URL to look like this:


It makes it look like this:



Yes, you can change what this word is under options > permalinks area of the admin. But what if you want to get rid of it all together?


The Google Adwords Editor

Finally! An easy to use application that gives you the ability to perform maintenance on your Adwords account(s) without the need for a Google Adwords Rep!

Don’t get me wrong, each rep I’ve spoken to at Google has been very helpful and responsive. The problem is you need to spend around $30,000 a month to even talk to one! That’s a little ridiculous if you just want to copy a few adgroups.

Then along came the Google Adwords Editor.

As seems to be the custom these days, it’s a beta. I’ve used it for the first time today to duplicate a few adgroups and it worked great! I’m also looking forward to exporting campaigns for archiving. But the best part, is I can make all adjustments offline and upload them at one time saving me from waiting for the Adwords site to load (which is ridiculously slow at times).

If you’re a Google Adwords advertiser and haven’t already downloaded the Editor, you can find it here: http://services.google.com/adwordseditor/

No doubt, it will save you time.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
21 queries. 0.425 seconds.