The Google Adwords Editor

Finally! An easy to use application that gives you the ability to perform maintenance on your Adwords account(s) without the need for a Google Adwords Rep!

Don’t get me wrong, each rep I’ve spoken to at Google has been very helpful and responsive. The problem is you need to spend around $30,000 a month to even talk to one! That’s a little ridiculous if you just want to copy a few adgroups.

Then along came the Google Adwords Editor.

As seems to be the custom these days, it’s a beta. I’ve used it for the first time today to duplicate a few adgroups and it worked great! I’m also looking forward to exporting campaigns for archiving. But the best part, is I can make all adjustments offline and upload them at one time saving me from waiting for the Adwords site to load (which is ridiculously slow at times).

If you’re a Google Adwords advertiser and haven’t already downloaded the Editor, you can find it here:

No doubt, it will save you time.

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One Response to “The Google Adwords Editor”

  1. zim says:

    if it allows for regional settings to be changed as well, i’m all over this tuesday.

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