HD Has Ruined Me

Like anyone, I have some… shall we say… less than flattering personality traits. After watching “The Office”, which I saw in high definition for the first time tonight, I have a new one to add to my list: HDTV snob.

Anyone who has seen a 1080i broadcast will agree… HD ruins you for life. It sets the standard for which all other media will be judged. Unfortunately, nothing can top it. It is “the best” (Kaufman) Even DVDs have become a disappointment with their wannabe upconverting techiques.

But, I’m not new to the technology game. I had this same attitude when DVDs hit the scene. I thought THOSE were the best (and they were at the time) and wouldn’t watch anything else. It was beneath me. Just like before, I have to wait. This time for HDDVDs to flood the scene.

When will this magical day come? Not soon enough!

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