“News” Category

Netflix's "Immediate Viewing" Doomed from the Start?

No Need for Envelopes?Thanks to Bella, I found out that Netflix is planning to provide a video on demand service over the Internet, called “Immediate Viewing”, by the end of June. This new service allows Netflix subscribers to browse an ever growing library of 1,000 different movies and then download them to their computer for, as the name suggests, immediate viewing.

Even if Netflix didn’t have to worry about the limited availability of broadband access (only ~38% of America has it) and the hassle involved with connecting your computer to your big screen television; this service could still be doomed. Why? Because there is already a better service available now… Vongo!

Find out how two (2) details might be the end of Netflix’s new service before it’s begun.


Another Brian Shoff?

Another Brian Shoff?This just makes me laugh. I know that statistically it’s impossible for me to be the only Brian Shoff out there, but finding a picture of another one cracks me up. He’s a craftsman at Lancaster County Timber Frames and lives only a county away from me.

::insert creepy music here::

I also, apparently, need to buy a kiln around 7 cubic feet and play in golf tournaments.

BrianShoff.com Isn’t My Only Passion

For those who don’t know, I not only write for BrianShoff.com, but for other sites as well. Here is a list of articles I’ve written for EzineArticles.com and ArticlesFactory.com. Take a moment to check them out, and please, send feedback!

  • The Benefits of 2-Way Performance Evaluations
  • Change vs. Improvement - Movement Does Not Denote Progress
  • Working Within Your Limitations
  • It’s Human to Expect Perfection
  • Good Managers Don’t DO Anything
  • Don’t Let Looking Silly Stop You

John Titor - The Man from the Future

This is Not John TitorOn November 2, 2000, a man named John Titor began making posts on an Internet forum claiming to be from the year 2036. He started by posting pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. Later he began answering questions from other forum members on topics like:

  • The Nature of Time Travel
  • A Future U.S. Civil War
  • The Future U.S. Government
  • Life in the Future
  • Future Catastrophes
  • Religion
  • … and others

He then stuck to his promise and left our “worldline” to return to his own, on March 21, 2001. Luckily, the posts made to these forums were archived and can be reviewed by the curious at www.johntitor.com.


Blockbuster’s "Total Access" Puts Netflix in Check

total access logoI just saw the new Blockbuster commercial for their “Total Access” rental program. As Alec Baldwin, the commercial’s narrator explains, it works just like Netflix with one “remarkable” difference. Instead of being forced to wait to get a new movie through the mail, you can simply stop by one of Blockbuster’s nearly 6,000 worldwide locations to return a movie and get a new one at no additional cost.

Bravo Blockbuster! I was starting to worry about you! Just when I thought your size and antiquated business model was going to be the end of you, you capitalize on your strengths, innovate, and introduce “Total Access”.


My Favorites From OverCaffeinated.net

Instead of writing for cyberspace, I thought I’d surf it. It’s nice to see that I’m not the only one with my sense of humor.

  • Go to War… with a Butter Knife!!!


  • A Special Message


  • Breaking into Dimension 4


  • It’s Easy to be Fulfilled!!



More Than I Could Chew

After successfully creating a custom theme for my Wordpress front end, I thought it’d be a neat idea to theme the back end as well. How hard could it be?

Hours later… I found out. VERY!


Columbia PA’s “Perfect Settings” Gets a New Face

perfect settings logoIt seems that everyone I know is either married or is getting married. I myself am on the band wagon being engaged to my fiancé Cassandra. And as everyone knows, and as I’m beginning to learn, weddings are expensive! So when given the opportunity to barter services with Perfect Settings in Columbia, I jumped at it!

The business is run by Daisy Pagan (pronounced pu-gone), a charming woman with over 10 years of experience as a wedding consultant. Recently, she and her husband Tony have remodeled a warehouse located at 200 Locust St. They’ve done a beautiful job. Today, they live on the second floor and rent the space on the ground floor for receptions, anniversary parties, birthdays, or any other event you can think of.

When Cassandra found Daisy on one of her favorite websites, The Knot, we scheduled a visit. Hardwood floors, brushed nickel fixtures, and an eye-catching bar area would fit our post-wedding Halloween masquerade party perfectly.

So… we booked it.


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