Category Base Removal Plugin

The Category Base Killer Plugin does exactly what it says. It removes the “category/” text from your WordPress URL string.

In other words, it turns your URL string from this:

into this:


Installation Instructions

  1. Unzip to your “wp-content/plugins” directory
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin account
  3. Click the “Plugins” tabs
  4. Click “activate” next to “Category Base Killer”
  5. Click the “Options” tab
  6. Click the “Permalinks” sub-tab
  7. Make sure that “%category%” (without quotes) appears somewhere in your permalink structure. Otherwise when you click on your category archive links, you’ll encounter a 404 error.


1.0 - Public Release

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49 Responses to “Category Base Removal Plugin”

  1. Kyle says:

    good find!

  2. Brian says:

    Good find? I wrote it. ;-) It’s not going to win me any awards or anything, it’s 80% comments and 20% code, but I thought it was time somebody wrote the damn thing.

  3. Nick says:

    I like the thought of this. The problem I am running into, though, is that pages of previous posts within the category bring up a 404 error. For example, when the address changes to something like this it no longer works…

    Do you know of a workaround to that?

  4. David says:

    Thanks for the plugin! Just when I was beginning to think I would have to write it myself… :-)

  5. Mateus says:

    I’m having the same problem as Nick (#3). Subcategories root are not shown properly.

    Take a look: - This works - This works too - Error 404 Not Found

    If anyone got a solution please share here or drop me an e-mail: mateus (at)

  6. Mateus says:

    A quick solution to the subcats problem (not the best at all but it works):
    - change the Permalink to /%category%/%postname%.html/

  7. Brian says:

    Hey Mateus! Thanks for the comment. I haven’t tried your solution, but thanks (I plan to), but thanks in advance!

  8. Remove The Category Base » Ben Partch - Learn, Teach, Create… says:

    […] Then last night Dan asked about this same issue. I informed him of my inability to figure out a way to remove it. Then a little later he sends me a link to a Google search he did when I see this page: Category Base Removal Plugin I am glad to report that this plugin does exactly what I wanted. Thanks to both Dan (for the link) and especially the plugin author Brian! […]

  9. francesco says:

    Hi Brian, thank you for your release….

    I’ve a little problem, I’ve installed the plugin and it works good, but when I try to go in the second page of a category to see some posts early, I obtain a 404 error.. Could you help me to fix it?

    I’ve 2.3.1 wordpress version….

    Thank’s a lot

  10. Brian says:

    Have you tried Mateus’s suggestion (above #6)?

  11. Come rimuovere la base category dai permalinks | Nemoprincess Blog says:

    […] C’è un plugin che lo fa Category Base Removal Plugin, e lo fa apportando questa modifica al file wp-includes/rewrite.php: […]

  12. Mike G says:

    You have no idea how much better my life (and website) is now. Thanks a ton!

  13. Brian says:

    Wow. Thanks! Glad it worked out!

  14. - Remove ‘Category Base’ From Wordpress URL’s says:

    […] Download […]

  15. Lorelle says:

    Have you been able to fix the bug so subcategories will work without an html extension on the pretty permalinks? Many don’t want the extensions any more but they want to be rid of the category label.


  16. Wordpress SEO in a few steps | Yakiji says:

    […] Category Base Killer - removes the “category/” base text from the URL string. […]

  17. Greg says:

    Anyone found a fix for the problem reported by Nick#3 above - i.e. for the 404 error for /page/2/ ?

  18. Dan Schulz says:

    Hey Brian (and everyone else)

    I’m the guy who found the plugin that Ben Partch was referring to in his trackback link a few months back.

    For those of you who are having problems with category pages (such as /page/2/) throwing 404 errors, the ONLY way I can see without neutering WordPress would be to use a file extension (such as .htm .html or .php).

    If you still think the issue is with the plugin, it’s not. I went into WordPress itself (WordPress 2.3.1 on my end) and modified the wp-includes/rewrite.php file on Lines 389 and 390 to remove

    $this->category_structure = $this->front . ‘category/’; else

    And got the EXACT SAME RESULTS as the plugin - a 404 being thrown on the subcategory pages (including category/subcategory and /category/page/2 if you’re wondering).

    I’d have to say that short of using the file extension, there’s nothing we can do other than to bug the WordPress developers to actually sit down and FIX THIS once and for all.

    Just figured I’d let you all know.

  19. Brian says:

    I wonder if a “fix” of sorts could be hacked together in .htaccess?

  20. Dan Schulz says:

    To the best of my knowledge, others have tried, but to no avail.

  21. 10 Wordpress plugins you just might like says:

    […] This plugin is simple, but has a massive effect on your categories. What it does it when you activate this plugin, it removes the /category/ directory from your links. It can solve a few URL problems you may be having as your pages have the same link structure. Download Category Base Removal Plugin. […]

  22. Ian says:

    I’m new to WP. This is the single biggest problem I’ve run into with WP - I do not want to use the .htm hack since Google does not seem to like it - these pages don’t get indexed well. but the pages without the hack (with broken subcat or page/2) work great and were indexed fine. Arrrgh.

    I don’t want to give up and use a base category, because once I do that, I’ll pollute my indexing on google with the stupid base category and even once the WP gods fix it, i’ll be in a permalink redirect mess forever. Similarly, I don’t want to use a .html / .htm hack. This really sucks.

  23. icePig » Blog Archive » Remove ‘Category Base’ From Wordpress URL’s says:

    […] Get Category Base Removal plugin […]

  24. Aaron Rivera says:

    iN Regards to November 24th, 2007 at 5:48 am
    I’ve a little problem, I’ve installed the plugin and it works good, but when I try to go in the second page of a category to see some posts early, I obtain a 404 error.. Could you help me to fix it?

    I’ve 2.3.1 wordpress version….
    I wonder if it is worth the headache can someone reply to the recent update??/ is this problem fixed yet the Category Base Killer I mean.

  25. SEO for Wordpress | Ann Arbor Native Living in Columbus - says:

    […] The next thing I do is use Category Base Killer to remove the /category/ directory from many of the links - that way I don’t have as many duplicate content issues since all the pages will have the same link structure. […]

  26. Dan Schulz says:

    In regards to comments #22 and #24, the problem isn’t with the Category Base Killer plugin - it’s with WordPress itself. So there’s nothing that Brian can do until the WordPress developers fix the problem themselves.

    Please refer to my comment here for more information:

  27. Dan Schulz says:

    Now that WordPress 2.5.1 is out, I figured I’d upgrade and see how well the 2.5 branch works. I had been told that the plugin’s features had finally been incorporated into the publishing system.

    Whoever told me that was wrong.

    Not only is the problem STILL not resolved, but the plugin appears to be incomaptible with WordPress 2.5.x

    WHAT GIVES? Do I have to personally start a site to make WordPress aware of the duplicate content problems their system is causing, not to mention the usability issues (such as confusing visitors with multiple links to the same Posts) and the fact that hacking the rewrite.php file (which now requires removing “%category%” - without quotes of course - from line 439 in WordPress 2.5.1) still causes 404 errors to be thrown faster than fine china in a domestic arguement between spouses unless you use a file extension?

    (And no Brian, this is not your fault - I lay the blame for this SNAFU squarely at Automattic’s feet.)

  28. Brian says:

    :: hold hands in the air hopping around the room ::

    TESTIFY! ;-)

    It’s such a nuisance. I like WP, but like anything, it has its problems. I haven’t upgraded my sites yet… need to put that on my “next actions” list I guess…?

  29. Dan Schulz says:

    I would. I’m just wishing that they would have taken care of the category base problem by now. I’m also noticing some other issues that aren’t related to CBK, but ironically none of them have much to do with the dashboard’s new arrangement (it’s the features).

    Oh well, I’ll learn. :)

  30. says:

    Thank You Thank you Thank You… :D

  31. John says:

    Is this version 1.0 plugin adviseable on a new 2.5 or 2.5.1 installation? I would like to fix this category oddity early in my install.

  32. Brian says:

    I haven’t heard of any issues with this plugin in regards to v 2.5 or 2.5.1

    The good news is… it doesn’t do much. ;-) It’s just a filter. So if it breaks, you can safely turn it off w/o negatively effecting your install.

  33. Dan Schulz says:

    Uhm Brian, I mentioned a few comments up (#27, in fact) that it DOES break in WordPress 2.5.1, remember? :(

  34. Category Base in Wordpress deaktivieren - WhiteSide SEO says:

    […] In meinen Blogs nutze ich seit ich sie aufgesetzt habe das Category-Base-Killer Plugin von Brian Shoff. Dies hat wunderbare Dienste geleistet, bis ich die Migration der besagten Seite angegangen bin und mit Unterkategorien an die Grenzen des Plugins gestoßen bin. Diese schneidet das Plugin nämlich auch einfach ab und erzeugt so schöne 404er beim Klick auf die Kategorie. […]

  35. wd_2k6 says:

    This is bad news so I guess we have only 2 options:

    1. Have the /category/ inside the URL
    2. Have a file exstension e.g .htm

    Both of the options suck! What was the point in implementing /category/ in the first place.

    I’m not sure if anybody else is having this problem but the CATEGORY feeds cannot be accessed unless /category/ is added to the URL, e.g will not work.

    Any workarounds anybody!!

  36. Chris Poirier says:

    What I’ve done to get around the /category/ problem is to make it a virtue. I put a “title” Page for each category, then link to the /category/%category%/ page for archives and RSS feed. The permalinks work, and the paging works — just not in the same place. Won’t work for everybody (depends on how you use your categories), but it did end up working out well for me.

  37. WordPressのパーマリンク構造をスッキリさせる | Imai Blog! says:

    […] などと、これまた長くて余計だ。 カテゴリーベースの設定で、文字列は変更できるが、空白にしたところで、上記デフォルトが適用される。 そこで、Category Base Killer というプラグインを使ってみると、有効化するだけで上記空白の設定が可能となる。 […]

  38. Wordpress SEO Tips - SEO Web Tips blog says:

    […] This useful plugin removes the “category/” text from your Wordpress permalinks. Combined with “pretty” permalinks, you can get very elegant URLs. You can download Category Base Killer here. […]

  39. casinomy says:

    Постоянно обновляемый каталог лучших в интернете казино и лотерей с описанием их особенностей. Бесплатные мгновенная лотерея и игровой автомат с реальными призами! Интеллектуальные игры - соревнования за денежные призы. Новости. Доска объявлений.

  40. Mark says:

    Life saver, just downloaded after fruitless days of searching with no success and it works even on the latest version of Wordpress which is currently 2.6

  41. Mark says:

    Just to add to my post 40

    I have tested this plugin on a couple of designs, and on some designs it works, but with some it does not work properly and comes up with 404 errors.

    Sadly not a 100% solution, but this would be dependent upon the design of the Wordpress theme that you are useing.

    Shame it does not work 100% did have high hopes for this.



  42. YN design » Blog Archive » Category-base-killer says:

    […] category/ をはぶいてくれるプラグイン category-base-killer(ダウンロードはこちら) をアップして有効にすると 結果 […]

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  44. links for 2008-08-22 « Free Open Source Directory says:

    […] Category Base Removal Plugin - The Category Base Killer Plugin does exactly what it says. It removes the “category/” text from your WordPress URL string. […]

  45. Aviagra says:

    I loved the post. I think your thinking is nearly matching the great sukrat’s cocept.

  46. VietNam WordPress Club » Wordpress SEO Plugins says:

    […] Category Base Killer – This is my favorite Wordpress SEO plugin and I’ve never created a blog without using it. This plugin actually removes the /category/ section in your permalinks. This is a optimal search engine optimization move since your removing a useless section of your URL structure. Make sure to read the instructions properly on how to implement this Wordpress SEO plugin. […]

  47., blog de noticias - quitar “category” en wordpress says:

    […] Despues de leer paginas y mas paginas sobre como quitar la palabra “category” en los permalinks de wordpress, he encontrado una solucion que a mi me funciona perfectamente en 4 blogs diferentes. Se trata de Category Base Killer Plugin. Solo 2 cositas a tener en cuenta para que funcione bien: […]

  48. 12 Wordpress SEO Plugins to Optimize Your Business Blog | Web About Money says:

    […] Category Base Killer – This is my favorite Wordpress SEO plugin and I’ve never created a blog without using it. This plugin actually removes the /category/ section in your permalinks. This is a optimal search engine optimization move since your removing a useless section of your URL structure. Make sure to read the instructions properly on how to implement this Wordpress SEO plugin.  […]

  49. Plugin Wordpress Yang Cocok Untuk SEO | Rumah Abi says:

    […] Category Base Killer – Jika permalink blog anda di set seperti ini /%category%//%postname%/ dan dalam satu posting anda mempunyai lebih dari satu kategori, misalnya : […]

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